Thursday, October 31, 2019

COLLABORATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

COLLABORATION - Essay Example While collaboration is a necessary element of achieving group progress there are a number of conflicts that care arise during the collaborative process. In these regards, it’s possible that the group has personality conflicts that make teamwork difficult. Another conflict could occur if some group members do not do equal work to that of other group members. Still another potential conflict could occur if the group has creative difference and disagree on the direction of the group. There are a number of ways the group can solve these conflicts. In these regards, it’s important to engender an environment of mutual respect and consideration. Groups that are able to develop such chemistry are more apt to find success through an open and supportive collaborative process. Another helpful element would be for a leader to emerge that could mediate some of the conflicts within the group. Ultimately, group conflicts take on a myriad of forms and situational responses need to be d eveloped to these challenges in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Deer Hunt Essay Example for Free

Deer Hunt Essay It is 5:30 am on opening morning of deer hunting season and my alarm explodes into a racket that would wake an army. I roll out of bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. I only slept six hours last night because my family and I were preparing for the hunt, getting the guns ready and laying out our orange clothes. As I begin to get dressed, the smell of fresh pancakes wakes me up. It is at this time I realize the season is upon us. Since January I have been waiting for this day to come. Today begins the annual nine day season that brings our family together each November. After stumbling down upstairs I go to the computer and turn on Da Yoopers’ â€Å"Da Turdy Point Buck†, the song our family must listen to before we head out the door and into the woods. With the song blaring through the house, I walk into my brother’s room, turn the lights on, rip the covers from his bed, and narrowly escape a swift kick from his leg. After a breakfast of pancakes my brother and I jump into his truck and head for the hills. We own 120 acres three miles from the house, so we must drive to our destination. Any other morning there would be no vehicles on the road, but this particular morning we pass about ten other trucks all taking their passengers to their particular hunting spots. Three inches of fresh snow fell last night, creating a blanket of freshness that reflects the last rays of moonlight. As we drive into our property we see fresh deer tracks and my heart starts pumping, I have been away from Minnesota for a few months and this morning is the first time I entered these woods since September. A few hundred yards into the woods we see three dear walking the road. They bound off into the darkness in flashes of brown silhouetted by snow. We park the truck and before we shut the engine off Jimmy tells me we will sit until 9:00, then I will walk to where he is sitting, and we will go home. We shut the engine off and do not speak again, for any human noise made will be heard by deer within a quarter mile. Trying to make as little noise as possible I walk to where I will sit. Along the way, I creep over a hill and see four deer. Immediately upon seeing me they streak through the trees; I stop and listen to their feet pounding into the earth, and realize there are many deer in the area and my chances of seeing a deer while sitting will be very good. After 15 minutes of sneaking through the oak and maple trees I find the tree I will sit in. My father set the stand in the tree a few weeks before my arrival. I crawl up and as I sit down it is just getting light in the east. I sit and wait. As it gets lighter and lighter I wait for the first gun-shots of the season, and sure enough, POW. The season has begun. I watch the morning pass by, an occasional raven flies by calling to its family, and all of a sudden something catches my eye. I look to the south and over the top of the hill comes a deer, my first deer of the season. I watch and realize it is a fawn; it is this year’s baby and is bounding over fallen trees and around trees. Right behind is it’s mother, they are running, probably frightened by some other hunter. I sit and watch these two deer trot right by my stand. Then for some unknown reason they stop thirty yards from where I am sitting totally unaware of my presence. They stand there totally alert, occasionally looking from where they came, their coats full of warm brown hair that will protect them from the harsh winter that awaits them. I watch them and I am part of the woods, I have become part of the tree for that moment. After a few moments the doe and fawn bounce away, into the unknown. I spend the next hour watching the woods for movement, looking for the slightest movement that will indicate the presence of some animal, maybe a deer walking through the woods feeding, or maybe a squirrel on its never-ending hunt for food. At 8:45 I get up and walk to my brother, the cold weather has found its way into my body through my many layers of clothes. I walk ever so silently hoping to find a deer over the hill, grazing in the field. I see nothing but when I get to my brother he tells me I drove five deer past his stand. We walk back to the truck and head for home, we didn’t shoot anything this morning but the hunt was a success, we both saw many deer and we were in the woods during the most beautiful part of the day. As we drove through the woods towards home I am totally content, there is nothing more I could have right now, the experience of being in the woods, and my family.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Benefits Of Farm Machinery Environmental Sciences Essay

Benefits Of Farm Machinery Environmental Sciences Essay Man as a power unit is futile and nonproductive. He is confined to about 0.1 horse power uninterrupted turnout, hence account almost nothing as a source of power. Thus if a farmer wants to create an ample output from his labor he must be an efficient producer. Undoubtedly this efficiency will rely on the substitution of human and livestock labor with machinery. This replacement is termed as farm mechanization. Actually farm mechanization is any on-farm operation which carries some of following goals like 1- to increase the production, 2- tone down the cost of production, 3- improve quality of farm produce, 4- increase turnout per farm worker, 5- make the farm life easy and enjoyable, 6- stabilize the clumsy labor peaks. Farm mechanization is sociological-cum-technological complex. Some people of our country theorize that mechanization will fallout in unemployment, thus they perceive that it is an opulence of wealthy nations. Some others think that it bears lot of benefits so should be adopted on a large scale. Still some canvass for partial mechanization of their farms. Later idea of partial mechanization looks economically conceivable. In past few decades many developing countries have begun agricultural and livestock farming powered by machines rather by animals and human labor and in this regard Pakistan is no exception. The trend of mechanization is bound to go up with the passage of time in a natural evolutionary manner. A general awakening among the farmers about different aspects of farm mechanization does exist. Work has started on various fronts to implement the concepts of mechanization. Combine farming System: Now a days concept of combine farming system is gaining popularity. According to this concept a farmer runs both livestock and agricultural farm at the same time. Benefit is that he obtains fodder and other ingredients used in concentrate formulation from agricultural section while fertilizer for his crops from the livestock section. Problems of the Livestock Sector: Mastitis is the major limitation for our milk animals. It has two forms clinical and sub-clinical. Clinical form is visually detectable and can be treated but problem arises in case of sub-clinical form which can not be unmasked at earlier stage. Thus milk quality becomes compromised causing economic losses. Second issue is failing to detect estrus by the farmer in time and breeding the animals. Furthermore silent heat is also a contributing factor resulting in failure to breed animals in time and delay in getting calf. Both are detrimental in achieving desired livestock farming goals. Another dilemma in livestock farming is to diagnose pregnant animals. It is necessary to know about the status of animal to provide it proper nursing care and feed accordingly or sometime to sell it. Moreover milking time and labor required, medications, restraining, routine farm chores like castration, dehorning, shearing, clipping, identification marks and reducing heat stress all seek solutions in some sort of machinery or equipment which should be reliable and trustworthy. Possible Solution in Form of Machinery: Device for Detection of Mastitis: To detect mastitis in its earliest stage an electrical device (fig.1) can be used having sensors built in it which are able to sense instant changes in electrical resistance produced by somatic cells in mastitic milk. By incorporating this device in mastitis control program one can be able to treat it before permanent damage to secretory tissue and economic losses to keep from happening. Some diagnostic tests for sub-clinical mastitis exist but they become laborious and expensive as well on herd basis. Device for Detection of Estrus: It is necessary to know exactly the time when animal ovulates to breed them. For this purpose a device (Fig.2) which senses electrical changes in vaginal fluids due to hormonal concentrations can be used. It has got a probe which is inserted in vagina and then reading is taken. Reading will be 260 when animal is going to ovulate (Fig.3). So to determine the exact moment for breeding one or two readings in days when animal is likely to come in heat rather than visually observing them will be more efficient. Fig.2 Fig.3 Ultra Sound Machine: It is essential to diagnose pregnancy earlier and to identify fertility problems at individual and herd level. By using ultrasound scanner it can be achieved by day 30 of gestation which is far earlier than rectal palpation. An accuracy of 99 percent can be achieved by using ultrasound added with the advantage of safety over rectal palpation which can harm the embryo at this stage. Fig.4 Milking Machine: It is actually a mechanism designed to suck milk from udder of milking animal. It consists of teat cups, claw, vacuum tubes, and source of vacuum, pulsator and milk tube. Two types are being used one which is fixed and installed in shed or pen and second is portable and can be moved anywhere at farm quite easily. Use of milking machine is gaining importance as it is time and labor saving and assures hygienic collection of milk. Its use on herd basis also reduces mastitis cases if properly maintained and implemented carefully. Fig.5 Portable Milking Machine Mobile Feeding Trough: Certain conditions have been observed in field that animal graze at pasture where there is no arrangement for drinking water and concentrate feeding. So for this purpose animal are brought to the shed for some time and again sent to graze. To solve this problem a trough can be mounted on wheels and drawn with a small tractor to provide concentrate, minerals and water to the animals at their grazing place. Sprinkler machine: Temperature may override 45Â °C in our country during summer months and our main dairy animal buffalo is more sensitive to heat stress than cows and other animals. This is reason for an increased number of deaths due to heat stroke cases in these months. So to provide protection against high environmental temperature sprinkler may be used to shower water on animals. Nipple waterer: It is an implement to provide water to the animals automatically. It helps to ensure availability of fresh clean drinking water and saves wastage of water by the animals. Besides all these machine there is a long list of equipments which can be used on a livestock farm to make the farm operations easy. But here we are going to enlist those which are most needed. They include Burdizzo castrator: This gives several advantages over surgical methods when a large number of calves, rams or buck are to be castrated. It provides bloodless castration and safety from post operative contamination of wounds. Bull nose holder and rings: Nose holder can be used when animal has to be restrained temporarily while nose rings are applied for permanent restraint and then rope or chain can be attached to ring when animal is required to move somewhere. Mouth gag: It is used to keep the mouth of animal open for examination of mouth or some other medical purposes. Anti Cow Kicker and Anti Kick Bar: These are used to immobilize the animals while injecting some medicine or rectal palpation. (Fig.6) Fig.6 Electric Dehorner: This is used to disbud the calves at an early age when horns are not attached to the skull and are floating buds. It burns them and there further growth is restricted. Shearing and Hair Clipping Machines: Former one is used to trim the sheep wool usually and previous one is used to clip the hairs of certain region to avoid contamination. For example udder or area around genital organs. Tattooing forceps and Ear Notcher: Tattooing forceps are used to make identification marks and ear notcher is used to make V-shaped cut on ear of animal. This will be helpful in record keeping and recognizing the animals individually. Drenching and Balling Guns: These are beneficial in administering medicines. Drenching gun to give liquid solution and balling gun to give boluses. Problems of Agricultural Sector: Now a days progress in agricultural sector does not seems to be possible without using new agricultural implements. It is necessary to have new implements at farm and also to use them properly to get maximum utility. According to an estimate approximately 80% of farmer of our country dont know about latest agricultural implements. The implements which have gained popularity and wide use as tractor plows are cultivator and disc harrows. Hardly anywhere in world these are used as plows. Matter of truth is that for plowing purposes commonly used implements are mould board plows and disc plows, while cultivator is used as secondary tillage implement for tilling ground, stirring and aerating soil as well as for intercultural operation. It has also been noticed that in heavy soil a hard pan is created at a very shallow depth due to the continued use of cultivator and harrow for purpose of plowing. This pan creates problems of inadequate penetration of roots; improper drainage on account of incorrect use of implements optimum result can not be expected. It is also miserable that our farmer is wasting much water because of his ill planed and unleveled farms and ditches. Our farmers do level their field by means of Karah without applying engineering techniques and naturally field lacks precise leveling. Even slight surface undulation of few inches in fields creates high and low spots resulting in water holding in low patches and less water supply in higher spots. Consequences of both are detrimental. Possible Solution in Form of Machinery: Agricultural implements are broadly categorized in primary and secondary tillage implements, general agricultural implements and instruments for land leveling. Tillage is actually working with soil by implements as that mechanical soil stirring actions carried on to provide conditions favorable to growth of crop. Primary tillage implements (used in initial preparation of land) include: Subsoiler which is used where soil compaction is present and hard pan is formed in field. It breaks and looses the soil. It can be used with 45 horse power tractor and can work up to 24 inches deep. Chisel plow can be used where upper layer of soil is fertile but deeper layer is not so much fertile instead it may contain more minerals. It can plow at depth of 20 inches. Use of chisel plow will improve soil fertility by providing space, natural elements like sunlight and rain to roots of plants. It may require 50-85 horse power tractors. Disk plows will serve to mix the left over crop roots and weeds in soil properly and is suitable for rain-fed areas as it prevents soil erosion by wind and water. Fig.7 Secondary tillage implements include: Disk harrow that helps to prepare seed bed by making the soil granular as it is more suitable structure for plant growth. Soil aeration and moisture conservation capacity improves and weeds are mixed in soil and decompose so used as fertilizer. Cultivator is also called tine tiller. It is used to stir and pulverize the soil before planting, to decamp the weeds and improving soil aeration after crop is grown. Rotavator is used to prepare the land for next crop after previous crop has taken. It is better to use it before planting wheat, cotton, maize and guar. It breaks the soil and mixes the stems, stubbles and other unwanted weeds which after decomposing serve as fertilizer. Fig.8 General agricultural implements include: Ditcher is used to make ditches (furrow or trench) for soil irrigation and also for correction of already made trenches. Border disk or Bund former is used to make border around the cultivated land for separation. It will help to reduce loss of water. Ridger is used to make small ridges (crests) at equal distances for crop planting. Fig.9 Instruments for land leveling: In our country most of farmers level their lands by manual methods using land scraper and land planer. In this method land is not accurately leveled. In 1976-77 program of water management was launched by government. In this program a method was deviced to level land with dumpy level, land scraper and land planer. But it gained no popularity because it requires lot of efforts, time and does not yield excellent results. Now laser technology for land leveling is available which most accurate method is. It is a thumb rule in aeration by land leveling that difference of not more than 2 cm should be present between any two points of field. In our country 5-10 cm or more is observed. Laser land leveling system three main components 1- transmitter which rotates and emits rays and is applied anywhere in field to be leveled 2- receiver which is installed on land scraper behind tractor, it first receives signal by transmitter and sends to the interface unit 3- hydraulic system of tractor which works according to command of interface unit and automatically uses land scraper to level the land. Fig.10 Besides land leveling irrigation practices can also be improved by using new methods like irrigation by sprinkler and drip irrigation. In former method water is sprinkled over the crop by pipelines and in drip irrigation a network of pipelines is installed in the land and water is provided drop by drop to roots of plants by nozzles. Both are helpful in reducing water losses. Drill machine: Drilling refers to mechanized sowing of seed. Before introduction of seed drill sowing, this is a wasteful method. Seed drill is a device used to precisely position the seed at equal distance and cover them with soil. It ensures sowing of crop in time reduces cost of production and improves seed germination and yields. Fig.11 Seed drill Fertilizer Band Placement drill: In our country fertilizer is also applied by broadcast method by which only 15-25% is utilized by crop. Seeder-cum-fertilizer drills being used apply fertilizer either too far from seed or too near to it. Both affect seed germination and reduce yield. So fertilizer band placement drill was created by farm machinery institute, NARC Islamabad. It applies fertilizer at distance of 5cm and 5cm lower than the seed. In this way crop utilizes 60-70% more efficiently. Fig.12 Harvesting machine: Wheat and rice are main food crops in our country as well as their by products are used in concentrate making for cattle and buffalo. During harvesting season of both shortage of labor is observed through out country. So after applying lot of efforts it becomes necessary to get crops in time and reduce losses. To fulfill this deficiency a harvesting machine should be used which cuts and aligns these crops, harvested rows are then picked up by laborers. It is and intermediate method between manual and mechanized harvesting. Threshing machine: After harvesting wheat crop is flailed in threshing machine. This machine has threshing drum in which beater or cutter shaft is revolved at a very high speed by attaching it with tractor or high capacity electric motor. Grains are separated and chopped straw plus grains fall on sieve having pore size of 5 mm, thus allowing only grains to fall on second sieve below with pore size of 2 mm. Straw is blown out by fans and collected. From second sieve only dust particles, stones or any other foreign material less than 2mm size falls and fine grains are obtained. Combine harvesting technology: A latest technology to save time and labor required is to harvest and thresh crops at the same time. This technology has combined three tasks in single operation i.e. cutting, binding and then flailing. Its use is limited to few government farms currently in our country. Chopping machine for wheat straw: Harvesting machines only pick up upper portion of crop that is grains and leave high stem. Many farmers in our country burn left over straw in fields which damages organic matter of soil and also wastes wheat straw that can be fed to cattle. So after taking wheat crop chopping machine should be used in field to collect all the straw left behind. It picks up straw and cuts high stubbles, after chopping blows processed straw in separate trolley. Fig.13 Tractors: It is vehicle-cum-machine, bears lot of power to do a variety of farm operations, and has many benefits for the farmer. It is used to pull all agricultural implements, most of agricultural machinery and to transport heavy goods. Many types of tractors like Massey Ferguson, FIAT, Belarus and ford are being used in our country but only two types Massey Ferguson and FIAT are most popular and have achieved 80% deletion. FIATs are available in 55-85 horse power range and Massey Ferguson is available in 50-85 horse power. Each model has unique characteristics like power steering, number of cylinders, disk brakes and four wheeler. Machine for Hay Conditioning: Hay is sun dried fodder with less than 20% moisture. During the time it takes to dry it is also subject to environmental factors like temperature, wind velocity, soil moisture, solar radiation and relative humidity. So processing time should be reduced. In developed countries a machine for hay conditioning is being used which has rollers made up of plastic usually and crushes fodder crop and aligns in rows. By crushing action 1- time to dry reduces by 50% and hay will be less exposed to sun rays 2- plant is killed sooner and nutrients are preserved and resulting hay will be palatable. Baling machine: It is a type of machine which is used to make compact bales of already cut and raked crop. Mostly a baler which makes round bales is used. Fodder chopping machine: For harvesting and then chopping the fodder crop a tractor operated machine should be used which performs both action at the same time and puts chopped fodder in separate trolley known as chopper box that can be pulled by tractor to use as mobile feeder wagon for the purpose of filling manger in large sheds. Fig.14 Conclusion: As population is increasing human needs for food are also increasing. Plant and animal proteins are integral part of our diet. So to meet these increasing demands for food definitely require some amendments in livestock and agricultural farming practices. Goal seems obvious that is to increase per animal production in case of livestock farming and production per acre in case of agricultural farming without compromising product quality in relatively shorter time. To accomplish this we have to reduce cost of production, labor involved and to increase output per farm worker. These goals can be satisfied by using machinery and new technology. No doubt mechanization carries tremendous benefits with it but all the machinery is not in access of our small farmers. In case of large agricultural and livestock farms trends are being changed and labor is being replaced by machinery. Some efforts should be done by government to make costly machinery in reach of small farmer. Moreover farmers dont know about all new options which are now available. So extension programs should be run for the awareness of farmers which may contain both objectives to introduce machinery and how to use it and get maximum output. Skilled technicians should be available to use them properly. To achieve this goal training programs should be started at government farms for farmer that are cost free. These recommendations will certainly improve status of farm mechanization in our country.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

This paper discusses Adam Smith's and David Ricardo's view on the labor theory of value. It includes a discussion of the validity of the arguments they present in relation to social and Economic contexts. To the pursuance of this objective, the paper has explored five published articles available both in the internet and as hand copies. The labor theory of trade supposes that the value of commodity comprises of the labor used in its production. Goods that consume equal amount of time should have the same cost. Adam smith stipulates that the amount of labor used in production of a commodity determines its exchange value in primitive society; however, this change in an advanced society since the exchange value includes the profit for the owner of capital. Ricardo argued that the value of a commodity is proportional to the amount of manual and mechanized labor used to produce it. Labor theory of value stipulates that the amount of labor needed and used in production of such commodity determines the value of a commodity. Other factors of production do not determine the value of a commodity except those factors that have labor elements. Adam Smith and David Ricardo are associated with the labor theory of trade. The Value in this regards refers to the amount of labor required in production of commodities. The Adam Smith theory of value asserts that a commodity worth is equal to the amount of labor it commands in others. This includes value in trade and value in use. Value in use refers to the utility of a commodity while the value in trade refers to the price in exchange of another commodity. Smith established that labor is the real measure of the price of all commodities. Some opponents of the labor theory of ... little fixed capital, short life capital or with raw materials that have high turnover. Adam smith argues that the amount of labor used in production of a commodity determines its exchange value in a primitive society; however, this changes in an advanced society where the exchange value now includes the profit for the owner of capital. Ricardo’s theory is different from Smith's theory by excluding rent from the costs of production. Ricardo argues against Smith's theory because it only applies when wage is proportional to the amount of production equivalent to the amount of labor commanded and embodied. However, prices of commodities changes over time due to application of new production techniques; this leads to the increase of commodity prices over time. Ricardo points out that the value of a commodity is only equal to its cost of production in the long run.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Working During Holidays

Holiday season is here again and retail hours for many businesses both big and small are being extended. stores for â€Å"dragging millions of workers away from family and friends. † The hard truth is that, whether any of us is working on Thanksgiving or not, business is tight these days and the pressures to get work done with fewer resources continue to mount. ethics or a lack of them isn't always easy to see. Two people might undertake the exact same course of action and attain the exact same result. One had fully honorable intentions, while the other had a devious plan from the start.It's not easy, and maybe impossible, to see into the mind of another person and evaluate his true goals and motivations. Exploiting Employees When stores open, they are taking their employees away from their families. I personally feel that the stores are putting the dollar ahead of the welfare of their employees. When stores open, they are taking their employees away from their families no mat ter what day it is. If this is a problem in itself, any employment outside the home (and sometimes inside) is an ethical issue.And if â€Å"taking employees away from their families† is equivalent to â€Å"putting the dollar ahead of the welfare of their employees,† then it’s always doing so, whether or not it happens to be the fourth Thursday in November or the Friday after that. People who choose not to work on Thanksgiving will be hurt if they lose their jobs or miss some of the biggest commissions/tips of the year by not going. If working on Thanksgiving is a deal breaker to you, get a different job. If it’s not, then just get on with it and stop griping about it. It’s like moaning and groaning every time a baby needs a diaper change.It’s just part of the deal. Common Good While most agree that businesses need to make a profit, the concept that businesses exist to increase shareholder value is not unanimous. It has been claimed that busi nesses exist to serve the common good. This is a foundation of socialism, where profit is seen as exploitation of the workers. In America, there has been a push by people such as Ralph Nader, to establish a charter for corporations that would allow government oversight to confirm that corporations are indeed serving the common good.Under this system, if a corporation is determined to be detrimental to the common good, its charter could revoked and the corporation would be forced to stop operating. The problem thus far is that we have two seemingly opposite theories for the role of a business. Using our operating definition of ethics, the ethics for an organization whose role is to make profit are different from the ethics of an organization whose role is to serve the common goal. For a solution, we need a method that combines these conflicting goals into a single (although possibly complex) role.opinions are going to vary on the pros and cons of extended business hours. How strapped for cash are you? Where does your family live? What's your relationship with them like? How sentimental are you about specific holiday rituals? People will differ. This Thanksgiving there are going to be people with jobs at the Gap who wish they weren't working Thanksgiving but feel that they'd lose their jobs if they weren't willing to take an extra shift. There are also going to be people with jobs at Radio Shack who wish they could earn some extra cash and get out from under that credit card debt.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The 7 UChicago Essay Prompts How to Write Stellar Responses

The 7 UChicago Essay Prompts How to Write Stellar Responses SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The University of Chicago is famous for its unique essay topics. They’re some of the most creative and off-the-wall essay prompts you’ll see when applying to colleges, and it can sometimes be confusing to know how to tackle them. What should you write about in your UChicago essays? How can you show that you’re intelligent, creative, and worthy of a place at their school?Read on to learn all about the UChicago essays, what the admissions team expects to see in your responses, what topics you should write about, and which topics you should avoid.In this guide we also suggest sample essay ideas for each of the 2018/2019 UChicago supplement essay prompts and analyze past University of Chicago essay samples so you can see what a great UChicago essay looks like. What Are the UChicago Essays? Before you can begin figuring out how you’ll write your UChicago essays, you should know which prompts you’ll be seeing and the rules for each one. You’ll need to write two essays, and the UChicago essay prompts you must answer are commonly referred to as Question 1 and Question 2. Question 1: Why UChicago? The Question 1 prompt is the only UChicago supplement essay that stays the same each year, and it’s also the only prompt that all applicants must answer (for Question 2 you’ll have multiple prompts to choose from). For this question, you’ll need to write an essay that explains why you want to attend the University of Chicago and why you think the school is a good fit for you and your goals.UChicago doesn’t have strict word limits for essays, but they suggest a response of around 250-500 words. The prompt: â€Å"How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.† Want to get into UChicago or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Question 2: Extended Essay For Question 2, you have a choice of six essay prompts, and you’ll choose the one you want to respond to. The essay prompts for this question change every year, and while there are always around six prompts, some years there may be one more or one less to choose from. These are the more unique and offbeat essay prompts that UChicago is known for. Many of them were created by UChicago alumni and current students.UChicago recommends this essay be around 650 words. Below are the essay prompts for the 2018/2019 school year. Essay Option 1: In 2015, the city of Melbourne, Australia created a "tree-mail" service, in which all of the trees in the city received an email address so that residents could report any tree-related issues. As an unexpected result, people began to email their favorite trees sweet and occasionally humorous letters. Imagine this has been expanded to any object (tree or otherwise) in the world, and share with us the letter you’d send to your favorite. Essay Option 2: You’re on a voyage in the thirteenth century, sailing across the tempestuous seas. What if, suddenly, you fell off the edge of the Earth? Essay Option 3: The word floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant or of having no value. It originated in the mid-18th century from the Latin words "floccus," "naucum," "nihilum," and "pilus"- all words meaning â€Å"of little use.† Coin your own word using parts from any language you choose, tell us its meaning, and describe the plausible (if only to you) scenarios in which it would be most appropriately used. Essay Option 4: Lost your keys? Alohomora. Noisy roommate? Quietus. Feel the need to shatter windows for some reason? Finestra. Create your own spell, charm, jinx, or other means for magical mayhem. How is it enacted? Is there an incantation? Does it involve a potion or other magical object? If so, what's in it or what is it? What does it do? Essay Option 5: Imagine you’ve struck a deal with the Dean of Admissions himself, Dean Nondorf. It goes as follows: you’re guaranteed admission to the University of Chicago regardless of any circumstances that arise. This bond is grounded on the condition that you’ll obtain a blank, 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, and draw, write, sketch, shade, stencil, paint etc., anything and everything you want on it; your only limitations will be the boundaries of both sides on the single page. Now the catch†¦ your submission, for the rest of your life, will always be the first thing anyone you meet for the first time will see. Whether it’s at a job interview, a blind date, arrival at your first Humanities class, before you even say, â€Å"hey,† they’ll already have seen your page, and formulated that first impression. Show us your page. What’s on it, and why? If your piece is largely or exclusively visual, please make sure to share a creator's acco mpanying statement of at least 300 words, which we will happily allow to be on its own, separate page. PS: This is a creative thought experiment, and selecting this essay prompt does not guarantee your admission to UChicago. Essay Option 6: In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose your own question or choose one of our past prompts. Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun. The world is your oyster when it comes to answering UChicago essay prompts. How to Answer the University of Chicago Essay Prompts In this section, we explain what UChicago wants to see in your essays, give ideas for topics to write about for each of the essays, and discuss topics you are better off avoiding. Question 1: Why UChicago? For this University of Chicago supplement essay, UChicago wants to know why you want to attend their school, what you hope to get out of attending, and how University of Chicago will help you achieve their goals. Basically, they want to know why you think their school is a better fit for you than all the other schools out there. For more analysis of this essay, check out our in-depth guide to the Why UChicago essay. What Do They Want to See in Your Response? The â€Å"why our school?† is probably the most common essay prompt you’ll see on college applications. Why do schools, including UChicago, ask this question? UChicago wants to first see that you really want to go to their school. Students who love a school are more likely to accept an offer of admission and attend it, and they are more likely to be committed to their studies, participate in extracurriculars, and give back after they graduate. Your passion for UChicago should be shining through in this essay. Next, UChicago wants to see that you’ve done your research on their school and have an idea of what opportunities you want to take advantage of while there. You can do this by mentioning specific things you like about UChicago or that you plan to take advantage of as a student there. Potential things to discuss include professors you admire or are interested in working with, specific classes you want to take, and extracurriculars you want to participate in. Finally, UChicago wants to see that you are a good match for your school. Your essay should explain how you’ll take make the best use of what UChicago offers, how your strengths match the opportunities they provide, and how UChicago will help you reach your goals for the future. Potential Topics to Write About There are many ways you could approach this essay prompt; although since UChicago is best known for its academics (as opposed to killer sports teams, for example), most people will discuss the academic side for at least part of their response. Below is a list of possible topics; most people will discuss one to three topics in their essay. Majors or classes you’re especially interested in UChicago’s core curriculum Professors whose work you admire and whom you’d like to study with or conduct research with Unique events like Scav and Kuviasungnerk/Kangeiko Research opportunities you’d like to have University of Chicago students you’ve met who you admire Volunteer opportunities Financial aid opportunities UChicago offers that make it possible for you to attend Topics to Avoid The key here is to avoid generic topics that could apply to practically any school or any student. You want it to be clear in your response what opportunities the University of Chicago offers you that no other school does and how you’re going to make use of them. Topics that won’t show this include discussing: How pretty the campus is Chicago weather The food on campus Where UChicago places on college ranking lists Discussing your future major and career path without connecting it back to what UChicago offers Bashing other schools Question 2: Extended Essay The extended essay is when you can get especially creative. This question requires you to move outside your comfort zone of typical essay topics and answer one of the prompts in a way that gives readers insight into who you are and what you care about. What Do They Want to See in Your Response? Your response Question 1 is meant to show what about UChicago you liked and how you were going to make the most of the opportunities it offered. Question 2 is less about UChicago and more about you. The admissions team wants to see who you are and what’s important to you. Three main things they’d like to see in your response to this essay are: Your story Your personality Your thirst for knowledge Who are you? What have been the important events in your life? What kind of person are you? What do you love learning about? These are the questions UChicago wants you to answer. They want to know what’s important to you, what events from your past helped shaped you, what kind of person you are now, and what you want to accomplish in the future. UChicago is particularly interested in students who love learning and have a lot of interests in different fields and topics. A mathematician who also does ballet? A creative writing major who started her own business? Bring it on! Make sure to show your love for learning in your essay. Your passions and goals don’t always need to be lofty though; in the second example essay below you can see how the writer took a quirky interest and managed to connect it to larger ideas. If you can connect one of your pet passions to an essay, do so! Potential Topics to Write About The great thing about these UChicago essay prompts is you can write about almost anything you want to since they’re so different from each other and give you lots of chances to be creative. Just remember, you want this essay to give UChicago a good idea of the type of person you are and what’s important to you. Topic 1 This is a pretty broad topic,and as long as you can connect an object to your interests and/or future goals, you can answer this prompt. You could write a letter thanking your business suit for getting you a dream job/internship, a letter to your favorite book and explain how it made you decide you wanted to become an author, or a letter to your piano, which you hated practicing on when you were a kid, but eventually helped you develop your passion for music. For this prompt, make sure to explain why the object is so important to you, and give details and specific instances of when you used it to make your response more unique. Topic 2 This is perhaps the most out there of the topics, and you could really go anywhere with it. Maybe you discover a new world that’s better or worse than ours in a certain way and you use that topic to discuss particular values of yours. Perhaps you have a fear of heights, and falling off the edge of the Earth causes you to remember another instance when you had to face and conquer a fear. Go anywhere this takes you, just remember to connect it back to you and what you find important. Topic 3 Another one of the creative UChicago prompts, a good way to brainstorm for this one is to think of a thing/feeling/situation that you wished a word existed for. The feeling when you’ve checked everything off your to-do list and can now relax? A new word to describe a dream you had that you can’t quite remember but made you feel a certain way when you woke up? Get as specific and creative as you can here. As to which language to use, any one that you have a connection to will work. It could be a language you’re studying, one that’s spoken in a place you want to travel to, the language your ancestors spoke, etc. Topic 4 A good way to tackle this one is to invent a spell to solve a problem you have. It could be a problem that affects primarily you (such as a spell to keep your little siblings from distracting you, or a spell that eliminates the need to sleep for a night so you have time for both your football practices and watercolor painting hobby) or a bigger problem (a spell to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce the effects of climate change). Think of problems you want to fix, and use your essay to come up with a spell to solve one of them. Remember to explain why this problem affects you and how eliminating it would help you/others. Topic 5 This is a great option for more visual people who feel writing isn’t always the best way to get their personality across. For this prompt, you have the chance to explain an important aspect of your personality or history, something you care about, or a way you think you're misunderstood. For example, you’re religious but feel people often misunderstand your religion, your page could be an FAQ where you answer common misconceptions about your religion. If you’re an artist, you can use the paper to show your favorite piece of art you’ve created, then explain what the art means and why it’s important to you. If you’re a ballerina, on one side of your page could be a ballet award you won, and the other side could be a picture of your bruised and bandaged feet to show the hard work you went through to accomplish your goals. Topic 6 If none of the other prompts speak to you, you can always come up with your own and answer it. This is a good option if you have something specific in mind you want to write about but the topic doesn’t fit any of the prompts. When I applied to UChicago, I really wanted to write about a summer I spent on an archaeological team since it was important to me and I felt it showcased my strengths. None of the prompts that year fit, so I made up my own. Topics to Avoid UChicago wants you to be creative here, so there aren’t many topics that are off limits. However, you’re trying to convince them that you’d be a great an interesting student to add to their school, so make sure you use your essay to show who you are and why UChicago would want to admit you. This means you should avoid responses that don’t give readers a good idea of who you are. (For example, if you choose essay option 5, don’t just state that you’d create a spell that blocked out all nearby sound. You’d want to tie it back to yourself and your life by explaining the reasoning. For example, maybe you have a grandparent living with you, and you want them to be able to relax in peace.) Because these prompts are creative, it can be easy to run away with them, but always remember to answer the prompt completely and give UChicago better insight into who you are. Additionally, don’t feel that certain University of Chicago essay prompts are â€Å"better† or more impressive than others. UChicago wouldn’t have chosen these essay topics if they didn’t think applicants could write outstanding responses to them, so please choose the prompt that you can feel you can write the best essay for. University of Chicago Essay Examples In this section are two University of Chicago essay examples, each written by an accepted applicant. Below each UChicago supplement essay we discuss what makes the essay work so well. Question 1 Dear University of Chicago, It fills me up with that gooey sap you feel late at night when I think about things that are really special to me about you. Sometimes I just hunger for more, but I keep that a secret. The mail you send is such a tease; I like to imagine additional words on the page. Words like "you're accepted" or "you're awesome!" or "don't worry, she still loves you!" but I know they're all lies. You never called after that one time, I visited you thrice, but you never come around anymore. Tell me, was I just one in a line of many? Was I just another supple "applicant" to you, looking for a place to live, looking for someone to teach me the ways of the world? The closeness between us was beautiful, it couldn't have been just me that felt it, I know you felt it too. The intimacy was akin to that of scholar and original text, your depth as a person is astounding! To be honest, I must confess I had already dreamt of a rosy future together, one filled with late nights and long discussions over the Got hic era and the ethical stage of Kierkegaard, we would watch the sunset together and spend every Christmas snuggled in blankets. Eventually we would get older, I would become a well-educated corporate lawyer and you would enrich yourself within the domain of human knowledge. Your cup overfloweth with academic genius, pour a little on me. You're legendary for it, they all told me it would never work out between us, but I had hope. I had so much hope; I replied to your adorable letters and put up with your puns. I knew going into it that you would be an expensive one to keep around, I accounted for all that; I understand someone of your caliber and taste. And now you inquire as to my wishes? They're simple, accept me for who I am! Why can't you just love and not ask why? Not ask about my assets or my past? I'm living in the now, I'm waiting for you to catch up, but you're too caught up in my past, I offer us a future together, not a past to dwell upon. Whenever I'm around you, I just get that tingle deep inside me that tells me you're the one; you have that air of brilliance and ingenuity that I crave in a person, you're so mature and sophisticated, originality is really your strongest and most admirable trait. I wish we could be together, I still think in my heart of hearts we were meant to be, but you have to meet me halfway, dear. I'm on one knee here with tears welling up in my eyes, the fireworks are timed and ready to light up the night sky for you, just say 'I' Always, Rohan Why Does This Essay Work? Creative take on a standard prompt: The writer chose a very unique angle for this essay: comparing the University of Chicago to a lover. He’s probably the first applicant to answer the essay prompt this way, which definitely makes this a memorable essay. In fact, UChicago loved this essay so much that they mailed it out to thousands of potential applicants (which actually got them a bit of backlash). You absolutely don’t have to take as unique an approach to this essay as the above writer did, but doing so can definitely help your essay stand out. It answers the entire prompt: Even though this is an unusual essay, the writer still manages to answer everything the prompts asks for. He mentions his goal for the future (to become a lawyer), mentions varied interests he has (the Gothic era, the philosopher Kierkegaard), and explains what he likes about UChicago (the brilliance, ingenuity, and originality the school offers). He even manages to mention that he visited campus three times, which shows a serious interest in the school. If you choose to write an especially offbeat essay, it’s key to do what this essay did and still answer the prompt while being creative. Question 2 This essay is from several years ago, so it doesn't use a current prompt, but it's still helpful to read and analyze. Here 's the prompt:Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own. The Illuminati changed my life. Three years ago, I found my first ambigram in one of my favorite novels, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I turned the page, and there it was: the word â€Å"Illuminati† printed into the exact center of the book. It was styled like a newspaper masthead, exquisite and complex, yet oddly symmetric. Curious, I rotated the book upside-down. Impossibly, the inverted word was still â€Å"Illuminati.† Gazing closer, I realized that the letters, I-L-L-U-M, actually shaped into a flipped I-N-A-T-I. Suddenly, I was reading it in both directions. My eyes waltzed along the broad curves and sharp twists of the calligraphy, striking poses in a glamorous font against a sheet of creamy whiteness, sliding between the dense vertical strokes, peering at the edge of the defined serif as it angled away, then bent boldly toward me. Every line was deliberate, every flourish smiling with purpose, and the whole word balanced on the delicate cord that joined two letters into one. It was unforgettable. Ambigrams are words that can be read from different directions. Actually, â€Å"ambigram† is an umbrella term that encompasses dozens of distinct types of visual wordplay. The most popular ones are rotational, mirror image, and-my personal favorites-symbiotic ambigrams, which can spell two different things when viewed normally and upside-down. Compelled by the striking art, I could not help but try my own hand at designing ambigrams, and slowly I felt the pitiful stick-figure artist inside me shrink away as my inner energetic graphic designer sprang up. Before early volleyball tournaments, I work myself up by filling up pages and pages of experimental letter combinations, gleefully satisfied at the way that a rounded lowercase â€Å"a† was a perfect upside-down lowercase â€Å"e.† In my AP Literature class, I drew â€Å"She’s a witch!† which revealed, when flipped, â€Å"Communist† to reflect Arthur Miller’s contemporary motives for writing The Crucible. On a challenge from a friend, I even drew an ambigram of â€Å"Jay-Z† and â€Å"Beyonce† on a bumpy bus ride back from a leadership retreat. In the last few months, I have also practiced drawing ambigrams as fast as I can. I dream about the day when I can effortlessly write out a message saying â€Å"Hi, how are you today?† normally and â€Å"The password is cherry268† upside-down, without pausing or rotating the paper. I imagine a world in which everyone had this ability, and could literally write two things at once. How would that change communication? Encryption? Trust? My legs swing comfortably from this innovative edge, excited to take a stab at the answers. The best part about the ambigram is that it refuses to define itself as just one thing. It is a linguistic passion, a cryptographic endeavor, an artistic design, and an ironic illusion. I relish the fact that ambigrams force both the artist and the audience to reject first glances and embrace secret identities. This may just be a nerdy obsession, but ambigrams have taught me far more than how to sketch fancy words. Their multidimensional truth implies that my hobbies of both writing Italian sonnets and solving logical riddles are not opposing functions of my left and right brains, but rather, a perfect conglomeration of my passion for creating and solving puzzles. The beauty of the most surprising combinations reminds me to take bold risks in both my life and my designs. Above all else, ambigrams have taught me that I can create the impossible. I can make true and false the same word depending on something as simple as a 180-degree head turn. Victory can be defeat. Open can be closed. Am amateur piano player with an obsession for cryptology can learn how to program iPhone apps and get the game-winning kill at the varsity volleyball championship. A girl with divorced parents can make time for both families, and an inspired teenager from California can write her name into world historyboth normally and upside-down. -Samantha M. Why This Essay Works Shows passion: This essay focuses a pretty unusual and specific topic: ambigrams. While many people may not even know what an ambigram is, the writer is clearly passionate about them. She discusses how much time she spends trying to create different ambigrams, what her goals for ambigram creating are, and some of her favorite ambigrams she’s created. UChicago loves people who are passionate about something, even it’s an unusual or offbeat interest. It makes UChicago believe those students will bring that passion with them onto campus. Gives insight into the writer’s personality: The majority of this essay is about the author’s interest in ambigrams, but she also manages to cleverly slip in multiple other references to her personality and interests. From her essay, we learn that she’s a volleyball player, writes Italian sonnets, and loves solving puzzles. Adding these details gives UChicago a fuller look at what makes her tick. Connects it to a bigger picture: The writer chose to write about a very specific topic: ambigrams, but was still able to connect that to bigger concepts, such communication, truth, and how she’s able to balance her different interests. She’s able to take a quirky topic and show how it influences her worldview. Final Advice: UChicago Essays When answering the University of Chicago essay prompts, keep in mind that the main reason UChicago is reading these essays is to find out who you are as a person and if you’d be a good fit at their school. The University of Chicago wants students who are passionate about learning, creative, are excited to make the most of their time on campus, and have big dreams for themselves, and the UChicago supplement questions are designed to help you show these sides of yourself to the school. For the â€Å"Why UChicago?† prompt, you’ll want to show the school why you want to go there, why you think you’re a good fit for the school, and how UChicago will help you achieve your goals during college and beyond. For the Extended Essay, you can (and should) be more creative. These UChicago essays are more â€Å"out there,† and in your response, you should show your personality and passion for learning. For both University of Chicago essays , remember to show who you are and what you’re passionate about, include details about yourself and the school to help you stand out from other essays, and mention your plans and goals for the future. What's Next? If you want a more in-depth look how to write about Question 1, check out our guide to the Why UChicago Essay, which includes an additional sample essay along with analysis of how to answer this prompt. Are youworking on the Common App essay? Read our breakdown of the Common App prompts and our guide to picking the best prompt for you. 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